Santo Tomás - Day 2 [Blog]
/by Kim Nowlin
The morning my daughter Olivia and I were scheduled to leave for Guatemala, I got up to have my quiet time as usual. But on this morning, I found myself filled with fear.
My main fear was centered in the fact I would be traveling out of the country alone with my 13 year old daughter. My other fears were based on the fear of the unknown—just not knowing what to expect.
We also had quite a lot of opposition to getting our trip together—difficulty getting our funding, trying to schedule our vacation to visit my family the week after Guatemala, and a huge hassle getting our passports.
I began to wonder,“ Should we even go on this trip?” As I sat there crying before the Lord, he gently revealed to me that I pretty much live my whole life in fear. Afraid of what others might think, scared that things won’t turn out the way want, always afraid that what I do and who I am are never enough.
And you know what? He was sadly right. I had never really attributed the way I lived my life to fear but now I see clearly I have allowed fear to keep me from living the abundant life Jesus came to bring.
Fear has kept me from being the wife and mother God’s called me to be, it’s kept me from pursuing friendships, it’s keeping me from fully fulfilling God’s call for my life, and it almost kept me from coming to Guatemala.
God then reminded me of the verse in 1 John 4:18. “There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear”. So awesome that He brought that verse to my attention—God’s love for me is perfect—it actually drives out my fear!
Had I allowed the fear to remain, I would have missed out on this amazing time in Guatemala. I would not have seen my daughter step out of her comfort zone as she builds stoves and loves the people she is serving.
I would have missed out on meeting so many wonderful people—American and Guatemalan. And I would have missed the sweet kiss from a tiny girl in VBS who just wanted to say ,“thank you.”
I feel like God is encouraging all of us to, “fear not” and to step out and live the life Jesus came to give. Stop worrying what other people think—you are enough, you have enough, and you are definitely loved enough.
Don’t miss out on the amazing life Good has for you! Now is the time……