"Share a Stove - Change a Life" Fundraising Campaign: 129 stoves by June 8th


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Hola *|FNAME|*,

Blessings from Guatemala! 

Please watch this amazing video made by our dear friend, Jesse LaPierre (it’s really short):
Jesse LaPierre Thumbnail
Would you please share this video with your friends and family via email, Facebook, and Twitter?

You can share it by clicking the share icon in the upper right-hand corner of the video, or you can copy/paste this link: https://youtu.be/FjBC7Jbtudo

Muchas Gracias,

Brother Shawn

p.s. Want to send some love to Jesse for volunteering to make this awesome video? Write him a message in the comments section of the video, and give it a big thumbs-up!

Shawn Smith
Director, Now Is the Time for Missions
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