Forms & Publicity
Below are 2015 mission Registration Forms, tri-fold brochures, and presentations that you can use for Publicity and Fundraising. Click on the links and photos to download. To receive updates about our mission work, please sign our Mailing List.
Registration Forms - from 2015
Registration Process and Check List
Mission Covenant (Please read before completing the online Registration Form)
2014 Fundraising Kit (This doc could not be updated, but still has great info. Just beware the dates are different)
Donations List
Packing List
Guatemala Country Info
Included Medical and Travel Insurance Coverage - Adult
Included Medical and Travel Insurance Coverage - Youth
Step II Registration Forms to be completed, scanned, and emailed by May 15th
Parent Permission Form
Front and Back of Your Health Insurance Card
Signed Passport
Driver’s License
Guatemala Mission Publicity
Here is some publicity to download and share by printing, mailing, emailing, posting on Facebook, Twitter, blogs, and sharing links to non-team members for fundraising purposes. Right-click photos to download.
Publicity and Fundraising Brochures
Condensed versions of this website for promotion, fundraising, and sponsorship purposes can be found below. These are especially designed for previous team members, or other mission supporters, who would like to help us to fundraise for and support this mission project. The Low-Rez version is best for sending electronically via email, posting on FaceBook or websites, etc. The High-Rez is best for printing. For best print quality in black & white, use “grayscale” option when printing. Also, remember to please forward links to our donate page where sponsors can donate via our preferred method of Intuit e-check payment, or via PayPal.
This 2 sided tri-fold brochure provides photos, and brief descriptions of items that sponsors can donate to our mission: Water Filter, Stove, Concrete Floor, Sponsor A Volunteer, Sponsor Shawn and Damaris Smith, Girl’s Orphanage, and General Mission Fund. It is essentially a paper version of our donate page on this website. This tri-fold can be used by team members to raise support for themselves and specific projects for the mission, and to share with churches, Sunday Schools, Bible study groups, small groups, fraternal organizations, and others who may be interested in financially supporting our mission in a specific way. Click on the photo to download.
This 2 sided tri-fold brochure provides photos, and brief descriptions of our mission statement, Shawn Smith & Santa Clara Foursquare Church’s ministry, major accomplishments of volunteers last year, and credit card and check donation information for potential donors to Sponsor A Volunteer. It is essentially a paper version of the Sponsor A Volunteer page on our donate page on this website. This tri-fold can be used by team members to download, print, email, and share to raise support for themselves and to share with churches, Sunday Schools, Bible study groups, small groups, fraternal organizations, and others who may be interested in financially supporting our mission by sponsoring a volunteer. There is also a place for the volunteer to put their name and email address. Click on the photo to download.
This 2 sided tri-fold brochure provides photos, and brief descriptions of our mission statement, Shawn Smith & Santa Clara Foursquare Church’s ministry, goals of our Stove project this year, and credit card and check donation information for potential donors to donate high efficiency Eco-Plancha Stoves. It is essentially a paper version of the ‘$125 Stove’ page on our DONATE page on this website. This tri-fold can be used by team members to download, print, email, and share with churches, Sunday Schools, Bible study groups, small groups, fraternal organizations, and others who may be interested in financially supporting our mission by donating a high-efficiency stove. There is also a place for the donor to put their name and email address. Click the photo to download.
Not pictured above is the 4th Child Sponsorship we helped to launch at Paso a Paso in San Antonio Aguas Calientes. For more info, please visit
Since 2006,, we have helped to create and continue to support child sponsorship programs in 4 of the communities that we have served. This is one way that we can continue our mission work throughout the year. These programs provide supplemental food, medical care, school supplies, and school uniforms to children living in extreme poverty in Guatemala.
Plus, because these program are managed by volunteers at churches in the U.S., 100% of your donation goes directly to the local programs supporting these children (except Hogar Miguel Magone sponsorship program. Please email CCI directly for current administrative overhead costs)
The goal of these programs is to help break the cycle of extreme poverty through education, and sharing the love and hope of Jesus Christ. Above are sponsorship forms and brochures for the various organizations that manage these programs. More child sponsorship details can be found here.
Click the photos to download. Please download and print these brochures to raise financial and prayer support for the children in these programs before, or after the mission. Or, please email or Facebook these to your family and friends with a letter asking to prayerfully consider sponsoring a child in Guatemala.