Guatemala Mission Flight Info


2014 Guatemala Mission Flight Info
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Flights are booking this week!
Are you ready? 

Dear *|FNAME|* *|LNAME|*:

Greetings in Christ from La Ciudad Vieja, Guatemala!
Before I forget...
Would you please add this email address ( to your CONTACTS and email ADDRESS BOOK right now?

I will be emailing you several times over the next 2 weeks with important mission details, and I don't want you to miss a thing!  Gracias!
Damaris and I are here in Guatemala finalizing our mission preparations for the summer.  We can't wait for you to meet all of our dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ!
But, before you do that, we need to purchase your flights!
If you have already paid your $800/person mission registration deposit that was due May 1st, we will be attempting to purchase your flights THIS WEEK.  
Our awesome travel agency, Velocity Tours, already has all of your contact information that you provided us on your Online Registration form, and they are hard at work finding the best route, and cheapest flights for you and/or your group.
However, we need your help to make this process go as smoothly as possible.  

Here's how it works:

(It's like a dance, or a call and response song, or psalmody - your parts are in bold):
  • You fill out our Online Registration Form (if you are receiving this email, you've done this successfully!)
  • You pay your $800/person registration deposit on our Sponsor a Volunteer page
  • Our Travel agency, Velocity Tours will contact you directly with an email and/or phone call (sample email below)
  • You confirm your travel details with Velocity Tours within 24 hrs of receiving their message
  • We purchase your flights
  • You come to Guatemala to love and serve the Lord and His Children!
If you are flying with a group, all group members need to confirm their flight details before flights for the entire group are purchased.  Again, Velocity Tours will contact you directly to confirm your flight details.

If you have not paid your $800/person, please do this immediately to avoid any penalty charges.  

If we receive your $800/person after May 1st, and your flight cost exceeds our mission budget of $800/ticket, we will need to pass the extra flight expense on to you.  

If you haven't done so already, please get your $800/person payment in now to avoid these extra expenses.  You can make your payment at:

Our Mission Travel Agency

If you need to contact our travel agency directly for whatever reason, here is their contact info (again, they have your contact info and will contact you when they are ready to purchase your flights):
    ✈ Velocity Tours & Travel 
    845 South Main St | Bountiful, UT 84010
    Tel. 801.296.8687
    Toll Free 877.608.3704 
Thanks in advance for all of your help to make this process go as smoothly as possible!  
I will be in touch again very soon with a mission update, and several exciting new announcements to share with you!  Until then...
Dios te Bendiga (God bless you),

Brother Shawn

Shawn Smith
Director, Now Is the Time for Missions
p.s.  If you know of someone in your group who has NOT completed our Online Registration Form, but IS planning to come this summer, please forward this email to them.
p.p.s.  Here is a sample confirmation email you will receive from Velocity Tours:
From: [
Sent: Monday, May 12, 2014 10:11 AM
Subject: Please reply BY 5PM TOMORROW and confirm the following info for this summers Guatemala trip - Thank you.
Dear Participant
We have tentatively reserved the following flights for the  2014 NOW IS THE TIME MISSION group with Shawn Smith.
We need you to confirm that the DATES and TIMES are correct and that the NAMES match your passports.  
Please keep in mind that tickets are:
- A VALID US PASSPORT IS REQUIRED FOR TRAVEL TO GUATEMALA and should be valid at least 6 months beyond the last date you plan on being out of the country.  If your passport expires sooner you may need a new one.  Check with us for details.
These flights will hold until 5pm EST - Tomorrow. Please reply to this email by then.
Thank you.
Velocity Tours & Travel
CUSTOMER NBR:                                     SQ0QB8 PAGE 01
  FOR: LAST NAME/FIRST NAME                                            
22 JUN 14 - SUNDAY  
  UNITED         99 UNITED ECON   739                            
  DEPARTURE TERMINAL-3              
  LV: SAN FRANCISCO     1228A     NONSTOP   
  AR: HOUSTON/INTCON     619A     JOURNEY TIME- 3:51               
  ARRIVAL TERMINAL-C              
  MEAL AT COST                                                   
  UNITED       1500 UNITED ECON   738                             
  DEPARTURE TERMINAL-C              
  AR: GUATEMALA CITY    1120A     JOURNEY TIME- 2:50               
  FOOD TO PURCHASE                                               
29 JUN 14 - SUNDAY  
  UNITED       1503 UNITED ECON   738                            
  AR: HOUSTON/INTCON     415P     JOURNEY TIME- 3:00               
  FOOD TO PURCHASE                                                
  UNITED       1017 UNITED ECON   753                            
  DEPARTURE TERMINAL-C              
  AR: SAN FRANCISCO      855P     JOURNEY TIME- 3:59               
  ARRIVAL TERMINAL-3              
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